New Products From Advances In Technology

The Word From Cyberspace
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Initiatives in active transport include rent-a-bike, cycleways, tax allowances, cycle lanes, benefit in kind from employers and doscounted sales and repairs. Cycling has increased in popularity by 50% since 2005.

New building materials can dramatically reduce building costs even for a family home. Foundations, glass, steel, SIP panels walls, SIP panels floors and a roof are the main cost areas. Labour includes a Brickie, Chippie, Sparks, Plumber, Plasterer and Painter. Using a Quantity Surveyor to divide up the plans into jobs and costing them for awarding to Sub-Contractors (Subbies) can avoid exorbitant charges by a Main Contractor.

The costs of running a car include tax, insurance, depreciation, repairs and fuel. The average mileage is 16,000 km and the average Uber mileage is 40,000 km. The cost per mile of Uber is €1.25 and the wait time varies by location and time. There were 45 stages of the Ford Model T production line. Most robots use C++. They work by sending a pattern of voltages to analog devices. For example in speakers the pattern of voltages moves the diaphragm whose vibrations make noise. 1.8 million Teslas were sold in 2023.

Forthcoming web conferences this summer include events in Paris, Amsterdam and Zurich. Attractions near the venues include Habsburg Castle which has a museum and large restaurant.

Scarcity makes the world go round. Work so, green wellingtons or black wellingtons? Very soon you will be able to monetize your skills with JPEGs or MP4s to increase your spending power on Beans Digital Marketing. Launch at June Web Conference in Amsterdam (hopefully). Until then you can have high social welfare or low social welfare.

Web Summit: This year showed the advances in AI, a long way from it’s beginnings in expert systems. It has practical applications in security (recognition and identification), medical diagnostics, shopping recommendations, fraud prevention, customer service and autonomous vehicles.

It was discovered in Woodstock that people wanted to party in huge groups of 100,000. It might have worked or it might not. Now a 12,000sqm arena can hold that amount. Developments in that are the building huge rooms of that size. The stage, bar and toilets are wheeled in and partitions are put up for whatever tickets are sold. The highest stage U2 every played on was 28 metres.

Sailing to work is an option for some and definitely should be considered. For example from Coburg the route is the Itz, Main, Rhine and then the North Sea. Other routes include Mediterranean, Suez Canal, Red Sea, Arabian Sea, Straits of Hormuz, Persian Gulf.

Computers are brilliant at administration, particularly diaries. As an example when someone goes to a GP they need a pill, outpatients or go straight to hospital. There are 10 types of outpatients and again the person needs a pill or go to hospital. There are 10 types of surgery and different Surgeons do different days and different operations take different times. The Surgeon has to examine the results of the outpatient scan to determine which procedure is necessary and then an appointment can be made.

Web Summit: Post-COVID HR, Zoom videoconferencing, other technological advances in communications equipment and reduced travel and accommodation costs result in a rise in the numbers of Digital Nomads.

Hydrogen: Based on annual mileage of 12,000 miles and mileage of 60 miles/kg each car requires 200 kg each year. With 120,000 cars in Ireland a plant with capacity of 24 million kg per annum is necessary. Manufacturers of hydrogen cars include Toyota, BMW, Hyundai, Honda, Landrover and other specialist manufacturers.

Child Soldiers naked from the waist up with headbands and kalashnikovs are common throughout the southern hemisphere.

White walls, wooden floorboards, a leather couch, a few plants and a bit of art.

A good spot for socializing and networking in Silicon Valley is Hilton Santa Clara. The nearest beach is in Fremont.

What are now called ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems used to be known as MIS (Management Information System). The SMT pack is produced from this software and the 7 reports contain all the information needed to run a business. These are P & L, Aged Debt Report, Head Count, Capital Expenditure, Key Statistics, Departmental Contribution and Cashflow. In the past the computer was affectionately known as the Impcon System.

YouTube pay out approximately $10B to 2 million creators annually.

Do you think capitalism has failed the victims of fraud?

Apple has approximately 100 products including variations within it’s 8 product types. These are manufactured around the world in 615 plants. the company has a turnover of $380B which is paid to employees, suppliers, shareholders, retained by the company and to the government in the form of taxes. CEO Tim Cook earns $99M and CFO Luca Maestri earns $25M. Apple was the first company valued at over $1 Trillion. The others are Alphabet, Microsoft, Saudi Aramco, Nvidia and Amazon.

Pharmaceutical patents run out after 20 years. There are 13 types of generic Xanax.

Chinese labour costs are 25% of those in the west. You will get plenty of vitamin D3 but bring plenty of factor because we know you’re sensitive.

Farm machinery (tractors and attachments) is extensively used in vineyards in the wine production process. It is used in leaf pulling, pruning, hedge clearing, spraying, grape harvesting, spreading fertilizer, mowing, shredding and excavating. Continous improvement means these items are cheaper, more efficient and more effective.

25L Distillery – Available On Amazon $150

The fastest electric train ever was a modified French TGV called the V150. The train deal which led to the abdication of King Juan Carlos involved a 400 mile link between Mecca and Medina.

Do you know who’d know? Ali Baba CEO Kuo Zhang.

Automation comes up when you search “looney left” on the IMF’s website but it has a future. You put the flour, eggs and milk in over there and a pallet of sliced pans comes out over there. 43% of the world’s population have no wheat products but when you can have a ham sandwich you’ve made it. The CAD costs $100,000 and then the decision can be made on whether to put it into production.

The database was invented by General Electric in 1960, searching it remotely was invented by Bell in 1962 and the first smartphone was invented by IBM in 1994.

Essential Tech To Know



Digital Marketing

Social Media

Video Conferencing

Live Event Broadcasting

Streaming (H256 Compression)

Hot Food Vending Machines

Healthcare Diagnostics
















Make your own boardroom table with a sheet of melamine (birch, ash and many other variants available), jigsaw and chrome legs. Oval with an oval hole in it is popular but you can experiment: a half circle with two triangles cut out of the straight side or whatever. A big tv with mic and webcam, chromecast, zoom and stand are needed for videoconferencing. Big chairs (yellow, black leather?) and your team is the next board of Alpha.

Creative loafing: Cubase Elements, ON1 PhotoRaw, Pop Art Studio, Movavi Video Editor Plus and Libre Office. The sky’s the limit with music, film, art, photography but these will get you started.

You’d have a job forking one of those.

Chromoendoscopy Pet Scanners – The pet drinks a special fluid which makes different ailments show up in different colours with ultrasound.

After much searching and not knowing what I was looking for I think I have found a good car diagnostic tool, Blue Driver. The sensor which can detect different faults’ output is analyzed using an app and bluetooth and produces a “repair report”. This can be something simple like opening some bolts and replacing a part or something more complicated which might involve putting the car on a lift in which case you might be better off leaving it to the experts. This in addition to AA roadside assistance could help keep car costs (depreciation, repairs, tax, insurance, fuel) down.

Electric minibuses in production currently include the Fiat Ducato, Ford Transit, Vauxhall Vivaro, Peugeot E-Traveller, Citreon e-Space Traveller, Mercedes EQV. These can lead to the “every village, every hour” green public transport wanted.

Games Ideas


FPS hunt for real life geriatric Nazi on the run SS Colonel Walter Rauff who disappeared in 1945.


The Police killed a fmaily of Farmers and the Militia are out for revenge.

Coke Boat

Sail a boat from Lima to Lisbon.

El Gracias

Mexican Cartel feud.

The Battle of the Bronx

Post-apocalypse urban warfare.

Casablanca Sunrise

Drugs feud in Morocco.

Botswana Savages

Tribal warfare in Africa.

Allepo Explodes

White Helmets work to help civillians as the city is attacked byu ISIS.

Cats Attack

A futuristic city is attacked by giant mutant cats.

Wuhan Socceroos

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